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November 15, 2009  • 

KidsGardening, a core program of the National Gardening Association, has been using gardening as a vehicle for encouraging children to make better food choices for over 25 years! Their programs augment traditional classroom studies with experiential learning, building a love of nature, stimulating social interaction, facilitating cultural exchange and promoting healthy eating habits.

The experience of planting, cultivating, and harvesting fruits and vegetables creates a lifelong appreciation for healthy living. Beyond formal educational materials, KidsGardening’s plant-based resources address pervasive health concerns such as poor nutrition and lack of physical activity. By supporting thousands of school and community gardens nationwide, this organization helps children and adults establish links between plants, gardening, food and health. Their kid-focused initiatives include National Youth Garden Grants, outstanding curriculum guides and resources for teachers and parents available in print and online, their monthly online newsletter, Kids Garden News, and a School Garden Registry with over 1200 member schools.

Visit the KidsGardening website to learn how your school can access tools, resources, grants and more to use youth gardening as a tool to teach students about food, cooking, healthy eating and getting active!