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Menu for Healthy Kids

July 15, 2011  • 

The Culinary Institute of America’s Menu for Healthy Kids mission is to influence positive change in children’s health by creating smarter school foodservice operations and improving access to healthier and more flavorful school meals.

Obesity currently afflicts over 20 million children and teenagers; 95% of these children receive one to two meals at school. Since diet has a direct relationship to health, the Culinary Institute of America is working with school administrators, foodservice teams, teachers, and parents to help students make positive food choices and adopt healthy eating behaviors. They’re also involving kids, because if kids aren’t engaged in discovering a new world of healthy flavors, efforts at reform will fall short.

To help schools succeed in their efforts to reform school food, the Menu for Healthy Kids website serves as a national online repository of information and resources centered on school foodservice solutions to help everyone involved in school communities take part.

Whether you’re an administrator, foodservice director, parent, student, teacher or a member of the food and beverage industry, there’s a place for you to find resources and information on the Menu for Healthy Kids!