Threshold Foundation Dig It! Project
Since 1993, the Threshold Foundation has built a model for engaging young people in personal and social change through sustainable agriculture. To expand on this mission, in 2004, foundation founders Saheeb Abdus Sabur and his wife, Schirlyn Kamara-Saburthey, launched the Dig It! project, which partners over 60 teens and volunteers together to farm 1 1/2 acres of land in the city of Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
At The Dig It! Project, agriculture, enterprise and service combine to create a rigorous, practical and integrated experience, producing healthy food for residents of Lancaster and independent living elderly residents within 80 miles radius of Lancaster City and providing youth with leadership opportunities. People of all ages bridge communities through farming and food and discover their interdependence with each other as well as with those who purchase and receive their produce, and youth and adults learn that work on the land can be a powerful equalizer, teacher and catalyst for personal, local and global change.
To learn more about the Dig It! project and how you can start something similar in your community, visit the Threshold Foundation’s website.